Film z warsztatów Tai Chi w Tucznie

Dwa tygodnie solidnej pracy w Tucznie na międzynarodowym warsztacie naszej szkoły mamy już za sobą. Mamy też już zmontowany film z tegorocznego spotkania.

Dużo ciekawej pracy, dużo doświadczeń i wspomnień. A teraz mam ostatnie przygotowania i doszlifowywania programu na następny dwutygodniowy warsztat w Pradze, w sierpniu. Pierwszy tydzień dla grupy zaawansowanej a drugi dla grupy uprawiającej szermierkę.


Autor: Tomasz Thomas Nowakowski

I’m Tai Chi practitioner and teacher; fencer, visual artist and writer, an expert in deep learning and methodology of training, lifelong passionate about pictures, movement, words, and education. I’m the designer of the Shapes of Balance system. The system of methodology of teaching based on my lifelong experience in learning, researching, teaching, and coaching. The main purpose of the system is to achieve the high level of practical abilities and skills through understanding of the subjects of learning in the reasonable time. Since 1982, I’ve been teaching Tai Chi and Qigong, and practical applications of Tai Chi principles and methods; and how to use experience from Tai Chi practice to release unnecessary tension, focus, achieve high quality of the movement, the most important timing, and how to keep going in stressful situations. I’ve been lifelong passionate and practicing different kinds of systems which are working with awareness of the movement, as martial arts and other systems: Do In (Tao In), Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Shodo (Japanese calligraphy),Yoga, Aikido, Kung fu, Tai Chi, and different kinds of fencing: Kendo, Ken jitsu, and European fencing. I’ve been studying and researching what is the same or similar, and what is different among the systems, what is practical and useful in the practice and everyday life. I’ve been using and sharing those experiences at my work, and my methodology of teaching. I live in London UK.

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